Static and Retail Security Course
Successful completion of this comprehensive programme leads to:
QQI Minor Award in Guarding Skills at Level 4
Security Institute of Ireland Certificate in Static Security
Security Institute of Ireland Certificate in Retail Security
The course will be delivered by a combination of classroom, on-line ZOOM sessions and an on-line learning platform which includes a security manual.
An essential and critical element of the online training is the support Prosecure will provide to learners during the study period, we will use the most appropriate method that meets the learner needs including e-mail, telephone and zoom.
Venue: CCS House, Main Street, Tramore, Waterford. (Above Boots Pharmacy) X91 WN7X
Dates: You must attend all dates
Day one –
Course registration paperwork, language test, verify and take a copy of your personal documentation (proof of address, photo id).
English Language Assessment
Licence applicants must be proficient in the English Language.
The learner will
- Write 100 words on a subject given to the learner
- Read a paragraph from the security manual
- Listen to the reading of a report and take notes, use the notes to answer questions about the report.
- Show understanding by matching the first part of a sentence with its corresponding part.
You must bring with you:
- PPS number
- Proof of identification, any one of the following
- Current driving licence
- Current Passport
- Garda age card
- Dept social protection card
- Current PSA card
- Proof of address, any one of the following
- Utility bill (dated within previous 6 months)
- Bank statement (dated within previous 6 months)
- Document issued by a government department/agency (dated within previous 12 months)
- Letter from PSA contractor (dated within previous 1 month)
On completion of registration and induction learners will be given access to the e-learning platform including videos and mock assessments to complete their studies over a 21-day period.
Day 2 & 3 – ZOOM
10:00 – 16:00 Hrs. There will be Zoom sessions on these days which you must attend.
You should open a ZOOM account at ZOOM.US It is free.
You will receive an email from me with a link to the session.
A phone is not sufficient for the Zoom sessions, you must have a laptop, desktop or tablet to take part.
You must have adequate broadband and an area free from distraction.
Day 4 – Assessments in classroom
€400 including QQI and Security Institute of Ireland certification.
You will have to apply to The Private Security Authority for a licence after the course.
You will need:
- PPS Number
- A copy of your Birth Certificate or passport or Driving Licence.
Foreign Criminal Record Certificate (if you have spent six months or more in another jurisdiction since the age of 15)
IRP card (Irish Residence Permit) OR TRC card (Temporary Residence Card) with Labour Market Access Permission letter for all non-European Economic Area (EEA) Nationals.
Door & Event Security Course
Successful completion of this comprehensive programme leads to:
QQI Minor Award in Guarding Skills at Level 4
Security Institute of Ireland Certificate in Static Security
Security Institute of Ireland Certificate in Retail Security
The course will be delivered by a combination of classroom, on-line ZOOM sessions and an on-line learning platform which includes a security manual.
An essential and critical element of the online training is the support Prosecure will provide to learners during the study period, we will use the most appropriate method that meets the learner needs including e-mail, telephone and zoom.
Venue: CCS House, Main Street, Tramore, Waterford. (Above Boots Pharmacy) X91 WN7X
Dates: You must attend all dates
Day one –
Course registration paperwork, language test, verify and take a copy of your personal documentation (proof of address, photo id).
English Language Assessment
Licence applicants must be proficient in the English Language.
The learner will
- Write 100 words on a subject given to the learner
- Read a paragraph from the security manual
- Listen to the reading of a report and take notes, use the notes to answer questions about the report.
- Show understanding by matching the first part of a sentence with its corresponding part.
You must bring with you:
- PPS number
- Proof of identification, any one of the following
- Current driving licence
- Current Passport
- Garda age card
- Dept social protection card
- Current PSA card
- Proof of address, any one of the following
- Utility bill (dated within previous 6 months)
- Bank statement (dated within previous 6 months)
- Document issued by a government department/agency (dated within previous 12 months)
- Letter from PSA contractor (dated within previous 1 month)
On completion of registration and induction learners will be given access to the e-learning platform including videos and mock assessments to complete their studies over a 21-day period.
Day 2 & 3 – ZOOM
10:00 – 16:00 Hrs. There will be Zoom sessions on these days which you must attend.
You should open a ZOOM account at ZOOM.US It is free.
You will receive an email from me with a link to the session.
A phone is not sufficient for the Zoom sessions, you must have a laptop, desktop or tablet to take part.
You must have adequate broadband and an area free from distraction.
Day 4 – Classroom for Physical Intervention Training
10:00 – 16:00 Hrs
Day 5 – Assessments in classroom
10:00 – 16:00 Hrs
€400 including QQI and Security Institute of Ireland certification.
You will have to apply to The Private Security Authority for a licence after the course.
You will need:
- PPS Number
- A copy of your Birth Certificate or passport or Driving Licence.
Foreign Criminal Record Certificate (if you have spent six months or more in another jurisdiction since the age of 15)
IRP card (Irish Residence Permit) OR TRC card (Temporary Residence Card) with Labour Market Access Permission letter for all non-European Economic Area (EEA) Nationals.
Dealing with Threats and Violence
Staff who interacts with the public may encounter threats and violence whilst completing their duties. Pro-Secure deliver the following tailored course to the Retail Industry in order to meet the requirements for improved staff safety and mitigate the risk for the company.
Attendance on this course will result in the Retail Employee being able to:
- Assess the risks associated with individuals and environments.
- Understand how to recognise, assess and reduce risk in conflict situations
- Conduct dynamic risk assessment
- Manage and de-escalate conflict and aggression
- Identify and respond to criminal activities associated with retail
- Demonstrate a range of self-defence manoeuvres whilst understanding the use of lawful reasonable force
Unit title: Responding to Threats and Violence – Retail Staff
Unit code: RTVB 13
Accreditation: Security Institute of Ireland
Unit purpose:
- This Unit is designed to provide candidates with key knowledge and skills required to deal with threats and violence. It covers the specification for learning and qualifications in Response to Threats and Violence as defined by the Security Institute of Ireland.
- RTVB will equip the candidate to respond to the most common forms of aggression in a range of workplace situations, for example: Robbery, threats, abuse and physical attack.
- The emphasis is on self-preservation through the ability to defend against the most common forms of attack. Techniques taught are designed to safely withdraw, report or get assistance. Development of the programme was undertaken in consultation with Stakeholders including Services Industrial Professional and Technical Union (SIPTU).
The Unit is a mandatory Unit within the Private Security Authority-linked Award in Security Guarding Services, Retail Guarding and Door Procedures.
On completion of the Unit the candidate should be able to:
1 Understand the causes of aggressive behaviour.
2 Understand the law relating to aggression and self-defence.
3 Understand how to recognise, assess and reduce risk in conflict situations.
4 Understand how to communicate effectively in emotive situations and de-escalate conflict.
5 Understand Standard Operating Procedures to reduce and manage incidents
6 Understand measures to increase personal safety and situational awareness.
7 Demonstrate physical techniques to defend, release and create space.
The course is interactive and encourages students to participate through role play and scenario based teaching.
Training will deliver skills and employee confidence which may benifiy both the employee and employer and may lead to:
- Decrease in customer complaints
- Increased morale and motivation
- Decreased turnover, absenteeism and lateness
Security Team Leader
ProSecure Training is now delivering the Security Institute of Ireland accredited, QQI Level 5 Security Team Leader course. The course is designed to deliver the skills and knowledge necessary for Team Leaders in the Security Industry.
The course will benefit:
- Organisations preparing for future compliance.
- Those wishing to progress their career and move into a Supervisors role.
- Security Officers who are currently employed in a supervisory role and wish to achieve formal recognition for their skills.
Content Overview:
- The Private Security Industry
- Client and Assignment Polices
- Documenting Work Instructions
- Teams and Teamwork Concepts
- The Team Leader
- Monitoring, Managing and Measuring Performance
- Personal Professional Development
- Communications
- The Private Security Authority
- Review of the Law
- QQI Level 5 in Team Working
- Security Institute of Ireland Certificate in Security Team Leadership
Frontline Staff Terrorism Awareness Course
Course Purpose: This terrorism awareness course has been developed to satisfy the frontline staff working in different environments such as retail, commerce and industry for example. The course would be very beneficial to staff in front of house roles in reception areas, point of sales, public facilities and any areas where people assemble. In particular this course will provide essential skills and knowledge to staff with responsibilities for safety and security in both public and private sectors. Recent events and current thinking now suggests that all places of public assembly and all business and leisure environments are all at risk due to the shift away from what was deemed to be traditional targets to what are described as soft targets. Over half of all terrorist attacks globally are directed at the business environment in an attempt to undermine economies and disrupt normal business activity.
Course Content:
Course delivery is through lectures, workshops and open discussion designed to increase awareness of the risk and provide an understanding of the following topics:
- Extremism Terrorism and Radicalisation
- Nature of Anticipated Threats
- Organisation and Premises Familiarisation
- Countermeasures Overview
- General Responses
- Emergency Response
Refresher & Upskill Training
PSA Standard – Licencing Requirements Door and Security Guarding (PSA 28:2013) states:
4.6. Organisations shall assess the risk of violence and provide training if there is a significant likelihood and severity of consequence of violence.
5.7. Operational staff shall be provided with Refresher Training every two years, delivered by a qualified trainer.
Course Purpose:
This course satisfies the PSA requirements detailed above, evidence including written records and DVD recording of individual assessment will be supplied in order to satisfy PSA audits. The training can be half day to cover Refresher or Upskill and full day for a combination of Refresher and Upskilling.
Refresher training is the process of reinforcing and revising current skills, reviewing and updating the existing core skills on a continuous and scheduled basis. Within the guarding sector of the security industry theses core skills originate from entry level courses. Refresher training is not generic; it will be tailored to the organisations requirements.
Upskilling training introduces new skills and knowledge identified by the organisation often driven by changes to legislation, risk identification and client’s special requirements.
Course Content:
- This Unit is designed to provide candidates with a revision and update on knowledge and skills required for the retail environment. It covers the specification for Refresher Training as defined by the Security Institute of Ireland.
- The content can be tailored to an organisation’s requirements. Issues that are of concern to the organisation’s management will be addressed.
On completion of Refresher Training the employees will:
- Understand changes introduced by the PSA
- Understand company policies and procedures
- Understand the qualities of a security officer and importance of positive client feedback
- Understand current developments in civil litigation and procedures for avoiding litigation situations
- Understand civil and criminal law relating to retail and DSP security operations
- Understand loss and crime prevention
- Understand current criminal strategies for security environments
- Understand procedures for dealing with suspected criminal activity
Upskill Training:
- This Unit is designed to provide candidates with key knowledge and skills required to deal with threats and violence. It covers the specification for learning and qualifications in Response to Threats and Violence as defined by the Security Institute of Ireland.
- RTVB will equip the candidate to respond to a threat or attack from a third party in a range of workplace environments.
- The emphasis is on self-preservation through the ability to defend against the most common forms of attack. Techniques taught are designed to safely withdraw, report or get assistance.
Development of the programme was undertaken in consultation with Stakeholders including Services Industrial Professional and Technical Union (SIPTU)
On completion of the Unit the candidate should be able to:
- Understand the causes of aggressive behaviour.
- Understand the law relating to aggression and self-defence.
- Conduct risk assessments
- Understand how to recognise, assess and reduce risk in conflict situations.
- Understand how to communicate effectively in emotive situations and de-escalate conflict.
- Understand Standard Operating Procedures including response to robbery and intervention.
- Understand good practice to follow after conflict situations.
- Demonstrate physical techniques to defend, release and create space.
The course is delivered by two trainers, both qualified by the Security Institute of Ireland to deliver Refresher and Upskill training. Course delivery is interactive and includes discussion and role play.
Training will deliver skills and staff confidence which may benefit both the employee and employer resulting in:
- Decreased civil claims
- Reduced insurance premiums
- Unified response to criminal activity including retail crime and aggression/violence
- Increased morale and motivation
- Decreased turnover, absenteeism and lateness
- Increased staff confidence
- Increased customer satisfaction
We have successfully delivered Refresher and Upskill training to OCS Dart Security, OCS Tesco Security, South East Security and Safety and Carlow Security Services.
We also deliver Responding to Threats and Violence Basic (RTVB) course which addresses employee safety in conflict situations, clients include OCS, Musgraves group, Wexford and Kilkenny Councils and Fire Services.